Manufacturing High Quality Generators

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  • By: admin
  • On:January 3, 2021
  • No Comments

The generators used differ according to the size and type of workplaces. For example; The daily use of a generator used at home and the energy consumption of a generator used in a factory and the energy it produces, as a result, are different. The large starting energy of the large machines in the factory also makes a big difference. For this reason, calculations for a generator should be done before buying.

All these situations should be considered and a generator should be purchased accordingly.

  • All loads are cumulatively added to find the KWatt load and the reactive loads level of the generator.
  • Loads are divided into reactive and active.
  • The factor that emerges when the active power (Kwatt) is compared to the reactive power is called the power factor.
  • The power factor cannot be controlled by the
  • The active power and voltage in kilowatts are less than the product of the current.
  • The alternators in which the multiplication of power by current and voltage is verified are single-phase alternators.
  • Three-phase alternators are found as Power = 1732 X Current X Voltage.
  • Power factor belonging to alternators is designed as cos (phi) = 0.8. Therefore, an alternator with 100 KVA power can provide 80 kW of active power.
  • Engines operating with induction concept consume energy from alternators P = 1732 X Nominal Current X Voltage while running.
  • If the alternator variable is calculated while the electric motor is running, the power during operation is not calculated. Power is calculated from the power formula for the plucking of the electric motor.


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